Two Points

1. Back in town; to all those I owe an email or call, it’s coming shortly.

2. But not today, because it’s my 31st birthday. Not quite as glamorous as my 30th (celebrated in Paris), but excellent (if work-filled) nonetheless. Joyeux anniversaire a moi.

In Short


I kid, I kid.

It supersedes my Judaism most days.

Still, despite my inner leprechaun, no partying for me today. Back to the salt mines, and to cranking out work like my life depends on it.

Portrait of the Artist

Apologies for the silence of late; things have been more ‘exciting’ than ideal on the work front, with multiple films all going (and, in standard form, running into series of disasters) at the same time.

This past Friday, however, I took the morning off to drive my sister-in-law Nina to a med school interview just outside of New York City. By way of thanks, she crafted this paper cutout portrait of me and Jess:


I’m impressed.

And One I’m Not

Midway through slicing carrots for some pre-Yom Kippur chicken soup, I got careless for a few seconds, and sliced my left index finger instead.

Three stitches, a tetanus booster shot, and now I don’t even get chicken soup.

Next Chapter

Earlier today, I updated my bio (both above, and on the about page) to reflect my having turned 30. And, in recognition of now being, let’s face it, old, I’ve added the word ‘former’ before the phrase ‘tech wunderkind’, and changed the front-page quote from Forbes “veritable Doogie Howser” to the Wall St. Journal’s “an Internet elder statesmen”.

Let the next phase of life begin.


This Thursday, I turn 30.

To celebrate, on Wednesday night, Jess and I head off briefly to Paris and London.

Which I’m exceedingly excited about. But also a bit concerned, as we just discovered that our second, smaller film–which we had slated for an 8/31 start, and on which we thought the key crew was already locked–actually needs to start as early as possibly 8/10, and doesn’t yet have anyone outside of the lead actors attached at all.

Happy birthday to me.