brain dump

While I’m already knee deep in putting together Cyan’s web writing anthology, and have for years written blog posts, short articles, screenplays, etc., I’ve never really tried to put together an entire book full, several hundred pages worth, of my own thinking on a single subject. So, after much prodding to do so by people I’ve worked with over the years, I finally sat down to outline Radical Entrepreneurship and see if I could think of anything worthwhile to say.

I started by laying out some broad chapter topics – the importance of building a network, where to find ideas, how to raise capital, building a team, etc. And then I started adding in sub-chapter headings, as well as tips and ideas I could touch on within each. My initial fear was that I wouldn’t have enough worthwhile things to say about starting companies to really fill a book. As anyone who’s met me in real life can attest, however, I’m rarely low on words, and apparently that carries over to writing as well. My outline, which started short of a single page, is now close to eleven, and I find I’m constantly remembering other things I should add in. Before, I was concerned I’d end up with a 50 page book; now, I’m concerned I’ll end up with a Harry Potter-sized 800 pager.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, here I come.

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