Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night

I booted up the current version of this site nearly 20 years back, and since then have racked up more than 2,500 posts. But, of late, I’ve been having a harder and harder time getting myself to write here. Yesterday, I finally realized why: I think this blog has pretty much run it’s course. More to the point, I no longer feel like it reflects who I am, the myriad and important and sometimes painful ways I’ve screwed up and learned and grown over those two decades. In short, this blog just isn’t who I want to be in the world right now.

So I’m working on something new. But I’m also working on it slowly. Because one of those things I’ve learned is that life moves at its own pace. And one of the reasons I’ve made messes in the past is that I’ve been impatient, that I’ve wanted to find resolutions or to make progress right now, rather than waiting and watching and being and letting things unfold in the way and on the timeline they’re meant to.

I think a lot these days about the classic Borscht Belt joke: an old bull and a young bull stand on top of a hill, looking down at the herd of cows in the valley below.

The young bull says, “I’m going to run down the hill and fuck one of those cows.”

The old bull replies, “I’m going to walk down the hill, and I’m going to fuck all of them.”

Which is perhaps both a strange and exactly right place to wrap things up. So, I’ll simply close by saying: a new iteration of is coming. Possibly soon, or possibly not. But, at least, when it’s ready, when the time is right.