First Law

I was in the gym with clients from early this morning, but came back at lunchtime to work the balance of the day at home. Or, at least, that was the plan. Instead, I seem to be an object at rest, unable to overcome the inertia of our couch.

I’m trying; I really am. Even this blog post is an attempt to kick-start things, to get rolling by knocking out some quick, easy to-do list wins.

And, perhaps, that will work, and I can pick up momentum as I go. From past experience I’ve learned that sometimes days like this, despite their slow starts, turn out on balance to be highly productive in the end.

But other times, I just stay stuck, don’t really accomplish much at all. And though, earlier in life, those sort of no-progress, do-nothing days stressed me out, I now increasingly think: sometimes that’s just the kind of day it is. And that’s okay, too.