“The temple bell stops
but the sound keeps coming
out of the flowers.”
– Basho


[Editors note: I posted this two years back, but was thinking about it again today, so figured it was worth sharing again for my fellow bread-deprived Jews.]

Today is the second full day of Passover, a holiday that begins with two nights of ritual ‘Seder’ meals, and continues for eight days of avoiding ‘chametz’, or leavened bread.

It’s a biblical holiday, celebrating the liberation of the Jewish slaves in Egypt, and their exodus to Israel. And, indeed, the prohibition of chametz is similarly biblical, with Exodus 13:3 ruling out leavened bread made from the ‘five grains’: wheat, spelt, barley, oats (or possibly two-rowed barley, depending on the translation), and rye. 

Subsequently, in the 6th century B.C., the rabbinical Great Assembly came up with the idea of “asu syag latorah,” building a fence around the Torah: they introduced broader prohibitions surrounding the original biblical ones, to prevent people from inadvertently violating commandments. Under the Assembly’s lead, the prohibition spread from leavened bread made from the five grains, to any use of the five grains other than in matzah.

Two thousand years or so later, another traditional passover ’fence’ emerged, at least amongst Ashkenazi Jews, those living in Eastern Europe. That group extended the prohibition to ‘kitniyot,’ other seeds, grains, and legumes that might be made into a flour, such as rice, corn, beans, soybeans, peas, and lentils.

Sephardic Jews, those from around the Mediterranean Sea (in Portugal, Spain, Northern Africa, and the Middle East) never picked up the kitniyot tradition. So those Jews, and most Israeli’s today, will happily eat rice, beans, etc. during Passover.

But my own family lineage might best be described as ‘Eastern European mutt.’ So I have strong memories of, as a child, grocery shopping with my mother for Passover, buying the yellow-capped ‘kosher for passover’ Coca Cola (made using sugar rather than corn syrup), or ruling out the slew of canned and processed foods made with soy lecithin as a stabilizer.

These days, I’d class myself as part of the Reconstructionist Jewish movement. I’m somewhere between atheist and agnostic, so I observe Passover, but not because I believe there’s a big guy with a beard up in the sky who shakes his fist if I eat bread. But I do still very much value Judaism, as a source of tradition, wisdom, ritual, and community. As Mordecai Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionism explained a century back, one way to make sense of Judaism is as “the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people,” a quest to find ways of living that reveal holiness and godliness in the world, and one that gives tradition “a vote, not a veto in that quest.”

So, up until now, I’ve always observed Passover by avoiding any non-matzah use of the five grains, but also by avoiding kitniyot, too. If the whole point is to honor Passover tradition, and the prohibition against kitniyot is part of that tradition in my family, that seemed as good an argument as any to stick with it.

Still, one thing that I’ve long appreciated about Judaism is that’s it’s a religion based on questioning, analysis, and interpretation. The word Israel itself means literally “he who wrestles with god,” and the centuries of rabbinical writing encapsulated in the Talmud and other works chronicle the thoughtful and rigorous undertaking of that wrestling match.

To that end, this year, I carefully studied up on two recent decisions by Conservative Judaism’s governing Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, and a similar opinion from the Israeli orthodox rabbi David Bar-Hayim. All of which, surprisingly, made for pretty interesting reading.

To summarize:

The rabbis of the Talmud, the group that came up with the first ‘fence’ (of not eating anything but matzah made of the five grains), actually specifically considered kitniyot in about a half-dozen instances, and decided it’s fine to eat during Passover.

A thousand years later, when the custom of avoiding kitniyot first appeared, the rabbis of the time mention it only to say it was a bad idea. They describe it as “mistaken,” “foolish,” and “baseless,” which is about as harsh as language gets in talmudic debate.

So the question becomes: if it contravenes the Talmud, and the contemporary authorities at the time it was instituted though it was stupid, should we still keep up the custom for the sake of tradition?

Fortunately, the rabbis of Talmud gave some guidelines there, too:

First, they explain that all customs should have a rational basis in Torah. If you start observing a baseless custom, they warn, then people might start to assume all the other, more carefully reasoned customs are baseless, too. Thus, we should discard any custom, like avoiding kitniyot, that has no good explanation, especially when it directly contravenes more thorough earlier consideration.

Second, we should discard any custom that’s a ‘humra yethera,’ an unnecessary stringency, lest we reduce the joy of the holiday it’s meant to help celebrate, or emphasize the insignificant (avoiding rice and beans) over the significant (avoiding the five kinds of prohibited grain) aspects of the holiday.

Third, we should discard any custom that causes ‘hefsed merubeh,’ substantial monetary loss for the poor, much as prohibiting inexpensive kitniyot forces people to buy more expensive matzah, fish, and meat for the same calories.

All of which is to say, even for those (like me) who keep kosher for Passover for the sake of tradition should be willing to drop the specific prohibition of kitniyot. 

And now I’m off to eat some rice.

Sunny Day?

Earlier this week, Jess pointed out that, while it was beautiful and sunny outside, it was less so in our apartment, because the windows were so filthy the light was barely filtering through.

Indeed, living above a busy New York avenue, our windows are constantly buffeted by exhaust and city smog. And though I always think the regular rainstorms should be sufficient to wipe that away, they usually just kind of smear the dirt around into impressionistic streaks instead.

Still, like with the proverbial boiled frog, it’s also sort of impossible to track the slow accumulation of window-covering layers as they’re happening. So, until Jess pointed it out, I hadn’t really noticed at all. Whereas, since she did, I’ve pretty much entirely stopped seeing through the windows, and have just been looking at the sooty windows themselves instead.

Fortunately, one of the handymen in the building clean windows. So, next week, he’ll be coming through to wipe them spotless. And, for at least a couple of days, we’ll be able to see NYC in technicolor clarity. After which, the dirt will again start building up, and we’ll be on a long slide back to exactly where we started.

Future Shock

Human brains are terrible at understanding exponential growth, so perhaps it’s not surprising that we take the crazy advances of computer processor speed and miniaturization for granted. For example, those little birthday cards that play music have more computing power than the entire Allied Forces had back in 1945.

That said, I’m still kind of blown away by my Apple Watch. I mean, the thing is less than two inches square, and less than a half-inch thick, yet I can take it with me on a run, leave my phone behind, and still track the route and check my pace, listen to music (on even teeny-tinier Bluetooth earbuds), and field calls and texts mid-run.

Though, conversely, the only other piece of tech that similarly blows my mind is the fax machine – I still kind of get overwhelmed thinking about a device where you can feed in a piece of paper, and the same thing prints out of another matching device, moments later, potentially thousands and thousands of miles away. So I may not be the best person to judge.

And We’re Back!

Starting a month or so ago, a handful of eagle-eyed readers mentioned that some older links on this site were redirecting to the now long-defunct self-aggrandizement.com domain.  I assumed that was just due to laziness on my part – I’d fallen off of daily blogging, and hadn’t updated the design or code of this site for years and years, so I figured there were likely hard-coded links, or misconfigured files, or something to that effect that was hosing those entries.

Turns out, it was nothing so benign.  Instead, the German spammers who had bought the old domain name, and who had set it up as a link farm, had somehow used that domain to hack into the server hosting this site.  And, slowly and surreptitiously, they were putting in 301 redirects – hundreds and hundreds of them – to automatically forward my traffic their way.

As they apparently started from the oldest pages, I only discovered as much myself when I tried to add a post, went to see that it had gone up correctly, and instead ended up reading about “Tipps zur Anwendung von Pheromonen.”

Fortunately, after a brief stretch of sheer panick, I managed to get the underlying issue resolved with Bluehost, the super nice hosting company that I use. Getting everything working again, however, took about a week. Which leads me to right now.

At this point, I believe all should again be well on this site. If not, definitely let me know. Fortuitously, I had already been intending to get back to blogging much more regularly and informally anyway, so this seems like as good a cue as any.

Back to it!