Home Stretch

I realized this morning that I’m now t-minus 20 days to getting married.

Which, on the one hand, is totally thrilling.

And, on the other, is absolutely terrifying.

Fortunately, I’m still exceedingly excited about the marriage part. It’s the wedding that has me worried. While all the major details are figured out, all the main moving parts in place, there are still more odds and ends to deal with than I can count. Seating arrangements, gift baskets for out-of-town guests, writing and printing programs, following up with every vendor we’ve previously locked down to make sure they’re still happily locked.

And, of course, things are crazier than ever (though, finally and fortunately, in a very good way) with Cyan and with Jess’ consulting company.

This weekend, as we were picking up our wedding bands, the jeweler (who’s long since become a friend of ours) offered some good advice: just do what you can until you make it to the top of the aisle, and then wash your hands of the details and pretend you’re a guest.

And, also, drink a lot of vodka.

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