Getting Topical

When you’re starting a company, the hardest part is often deciding what the company won’t do. The possibilities are initially endless, yet a small company (and, really, a large company, too) can only do so many things well.

It’s a bit like going to a restaurant – you can eat anything on the menu, but you can’t eat everything on the menu, at least without getting sick.

Blogging follows suit. Good blogs tend to focus in on one topic, or just a handful. Yet this one, over the past eight years, has wandered haphazardly from one topic to the next.

So, finally, and long, long overdue, I’ve been giving some thought to what this blog should be about. Based on the emails that roll in, it seems there are four areas about which people are particularly happy to read:
– Personal adventures and misadventures
– Productivity and entrepreneurship
– Food, dining and nutrition
– Technology for non-technologists

Those four, I think, cover about 90% of the best read entries in self-aggrandizement’s past.

So, as an experiment, rather than simply randomly blogging up whatever strikes my fancy, I’ll be trying to cycle through those four topics. That way, whichever one you’re coming to find, you’ll regularly get a dose of new, relevant content.

And, hopefully, with a snarkily egotistic perspective as the thematic link across all four, you’ll want to give each and every post a careful read, no matter which of the categories you like most.

After all, self-aggrandizement is already ‘doubtless one of the best sites on the internet’. If I do say so myself.

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