
People frequently ask me why I’d be willing to put so much about myself online. But the truth is, there’s doubtless a lot about you online as well. The difference: in my case, the stuff that goes up – or, at least, the stuff you’ll easily find – is under my control.

Let’s face it: a preemptory Googling precedes nearly any business or personal meet-up these days. And if the first page for your name is littered with drunken frat pictures and embarrassing high school musical credits – or, worse, no confirmation of your existence at all – you’re up the proverbial shit’s creek, without so much as a digital paddle.

What you need, then, is some way to put yourself forward in the best possible light, and a way to get that putting forward indexed atop the search result heap.

What you need, in short, is the newly crafted bigsight. A “directory of people doing good work”, bigsight creates user profiles that index remarkably high (mine is number four for “joshua newman”, despite a slew of competing Joshua’s), yet leaves the content under users’ direct control.

And while you might not, in all fairness, be doing much good work at all, you’re luckily still basking in my second-hand goodness glow. So, while the site is still by invitation only, for the next week or two, using “self-aggrandizement” as a passcode will get you through the gate.

Head to bigsight, and start building ASAP, lest your shitty digital presence continue to weigh down upon your offline life.

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