The Results

The First Annual Cyan Pictures Oscar Pool has come and gone, and, in the process, I’ve actually learned a number of things:

1. The crowd is smart.

Together, we correctly predicted 17 of the 24 Oscars.

2. Smarter than even our best entrant.

Still, congratulations to Jennifer Kearns, who, with 16 right answers (and missing only Crash for Best Picture in the eight ‘big’ categories) won the pool.

Also, ‘congratulations’ to Seanna Davidson, who, with 5 right answers (but still somehow getting Crash for Best Picture) was at the very bottom of the barrel. While, arguably, that means Seanna should be sending me movies, we’re sending her a prize pack as well; clearly, she’s in need of some good movie watching.

Jennifer and Seanna, shoot me an email to claim your prizes.

3. And way smarter than the average entrant.

Although, together, we got 17, on average, each of you only predicted 10.7 Oscars correctly.

4. Smarter than me.

Misled by my crush on Amy Adams in Junebug, I was in the (reasonably large) crowd of folks who would have tied for second with 15 predictions.

5. But not smarter than my mom.

While this last one pains me to no end, had she entered (rather than simply mocking me from afar), my own mother, with 19 predictions (including Best Picture), bested me, our winner Jennifer, and our collective wisdom.

As she emailed to say, “so when you want advice on moviesÖ”