Two months back, I mentioned that Colin suckered me into helping log his just-shot film, Underground. Logging is the process of capturing video from tape to harddrive, and of slicing, dicing and notating it for the editor, who runs with things from there.

After viewing the editor’s first month of work, however, it’s clear she didn’t so much ‘run’ with the film as ‘limp painfully in a sideways direction’ with it.

So, combining the philosophies of ‘if you want something done right, do it yourself’ and ‘misery loves company’, Colin gave the editor the boot, took on editing the film himself, and, this morning, somehow conned me into agreeing to co-edit it with him.

There’s now a copy of Final Cut Pro HD for Dummies sitting on my desk. Which, given the obvious stupidity of me jumping into this, seems an appropriate choice.