Come Here Often?

Speaking of alone and bored, it occurred to me recently that I haven’t been on a real date since I broke up with Abigail this summer. Which, as long-standing readers will doubtless note, flies in the face of both prior practice and (admittedly somewhat deserved) reputation.

It’s just that, with so much going on, with so much time spent out of town, with not more than single-week stretches at home since mid-summer, I simply haven’t had the chance to disastrously sleep my way through New York City.

Tragic, I know, and doubtless deleterious to the content of this site. So, spurred on by necessity, I headed back to Nerve, the only dating site I’ve ever used. (And even then, just once – the first email I sent locked a date that kicked off an [uncharacteristically long] seven-month relationship.)

Then, as Nerve has apparently started sucking, I also headed off to JDate (are you happy Mom?) and Consumating (where I has apparently registered a year back when the site was brand new, and had since been tagged ‘beautiful’ and ‘misanthrope’, the second half of which, at least, is probably right).

I’ll therefore, again, shortly be heading out into the fray of New York single life. Wish me luck, and remind me to wear my bean-proof shirt.

[Also: Hi, potential dates who have Google-stalked me back to this site! Don’t worry, I’d never write about you! Okay, that’s not true. But I at least promise I won’t use your name!]

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