Two Long Nights


Though exact details are hazy, the night definitely involved karaoke, four bars, and drinking champagne direct from pilfered bottles in the conference room of the Union Square W Hotel, with Colin and Sarah.

From their emails the following morning:


> I am still drunk. And at work.
> My memory of Lemon Bar is a little fuzzy, but I remember we closed the
> place. I passed out on the subway home and woke up in Long Island City.
> I just want to be the first to say that last night was, unparallelled.


> Oh my god, best night ever.
> We are invincible.

And Colin’s response to Sarah:

> I am feeling very vincible.
> I think I may yet throw up.


Came up to New Haven late afternoon for dinner at the Chai Society. Wandered around Yale’s campus for a bit, marvelling at how beautiful it is, and trying to convince myself that I actually lived here for four years. Post-dinner, walked back to the train station, and discovered I’d missed the last train out for the night by about fifteen minutes, leaving me more than five hours off from the next train at 4:40am.

Spent those hours huddled on a bench of the quiet, cavernous New Haven train station, as I and three other poor saps who similarly missed the last train home sureptitiously eyed each other, mentally calculating the odds that one of the other three might rob us all blind if we drifted off to sleep.

Nonetheless, did manage to get some neck-crink-inducing naptime on the train ride itself, feeling safe under the conductor’s watchful eye. Pulled into Grand Central at 6:30am, and pulled my bed covers over my head at 7:00am.

Sadly, after too many days of work-driven early rising, by 10:00am, I was up again and nominally ready to face the world.

Now, at 5:00pm, I’m ready to rock out Florida style: early-bird special for dinner, asleep by 7:00pm.