
During my month in Israel, I had the odd impression that someone had hit the pause button in my life. Aside from the documentary, nothing else seemed to exist; everything appeared frozen, in stand-still. Yet, not surprisingly, during that month the parts of my life were still rolling ahead, piling up in surprisingly exciting ways. I came back to a flurry of breakfasts, lunches, coffees, dinners and drinks, to a calendar filled past breaking with friends and family, colleagues and competitors. I’m booked near solid for weeks to come, and with each passing day, I’m rediscovering how much I like the people I haven’t seen for far too long, shocking myself with the ready-to-move-ahead-at-the-push-of-a-button potential stored up in the various business projects I’ve kept brewing in my head.

When it rains, it pours. And, during the slower patches of my life, I constantly wonder what I can do to speed it all back up, to get the drizzle started. Apparently, all I have to do is simply fall off the face of the earth for a while. Because, now, the first showers have started, the rainclouds keep rolling in, and I’m ready to get drenched.

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