
Received a Friendster message from the lovely Rina, entitled “Regarding a very strong statement”, reading:

Everyone knows that Whitesnake’s “here I go again on my own” always beats Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” in a best of karaoke match. [ed. note: post that triggered her wrath]

I apologize. I just dont appreciate lies within the blogging world.
– Rin

To which I responded:

Actually, I’m pretty sure the song is named just “Here I Go Again”, but nice try on adding some extra lyrics to the title to make it sound more impressive.

None the less, Whitesnake’s Whitesnake is clearly a rockin’ and entirely karaoke-worthy album, “Here I Go Again” being particularly perfect for wailing away on if the singer (like most) has no discernable sense of pitch.

On the other hand, the backup vocals only appear during part of the chorus (and only involve one additional voice), whereas Bohemian Rhapsody gives you license to bring an entire drunken hoard up to the mic. Plus, Queen has both pansy falsetto *and* that weird back-and-forth between falsetto and bass, which, while vastly exceeding at both ends the vocal range of anyone drunk enough to think the song is a good choice, makes for considerable entertainment.

I rest my case.


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