minor shiner

The problem with falling off the blogging wagon is, the longer you go without posting, the more you start to feel like your comeback post has got to be really, really good. So you slack off for another few days, and the pressure mounts. To end the vicious cycle, I’m jumping back into the fray, despite the fact that all I have to say is:

Yesterday, while kickboxing, I apparently got punched in the eye. I say apparently, as I have no memory of it happening. Yet, upon waking this morning, I discovered a small crescent-shaped bruise at the top of my right cheek, just below the eye-socket. With glasses on, it isn’t particularly noticeable; in fact, if I had another on the left, I’d appear to simply be significantly sleep deprived. Yet, after careful examination, I’m completely certain it’s a black eye. And I must admit, I’m absolutely thrilled.