a confluence of events

Scouring the web for suitable links for the Salmagundi sidebar last night, I stumbled across this bit of Peeps research. Unlike the Peeps experimentation linked previously, which largely focused on research performed on Peeps, the newly discovered work instead explores the ability of Peeps to actually perform research themselves.

Needless to say, I was thrilled by the site. And, apparently, I’m not the only one inexplicably fascinated by the little marshmallowy suckers. Yet, as a Jew (and, therefore, growing up having never received an Easter basket), I’d never had occasion to actually taste a Peep.

Until, that is, yesterday morning. My parents, in a standard display of insanity, FedExed out from California an assortment of trick-or-treat candy; coincidentally enough, the box included Halloween-friendly Ghost Peeps and Pumpkin Peeps.

After chewing my way through both boxes, I can officially conclude: they’re damned tasty. Perhaps tasty in a “so bad they’re good” kind of way, but damned tasty none the less.