that’s what i’m talkin’ aboot, eh

Yessiree. Cyan’s first feature, I Love Your Work, premieres tomorrow at the Toronto International Film Festival, so I’m road-tripping north – way north – to catch the screening, hobnob with movie stars, get rip-roaring drunk at industry soirees, shake hands and kiss babies, etc., etc. I’m hoping to blog away while up there (though some entries may instead appear on Cyan’s site – in which case I’ll link across); stop back in to hear about the exploits as they unfold.

dilemma, defined

Just as I’m celebrating the nearing end of the intensive ballroom dance course into which I’d rather unwittingly been dragged (a grueling three hours, twice weekly), a lithe and remarkably attractive young French woman in my class asks if I’d consider continuing on in private lessons as her partner.


bob and weave

I’m endlessly fascinated, on rainy days, by the silent air-rights negotiations held, via hand feints and furtive glances, between people passing each other while holding umbrellas on crowded streets.