hey casanova, redux

To extend today’s theme of sappy girl-gift giving tips, another helpful hint for intrepid young daters:

Wrap the gift very well. I repeat, wrap the gift very well. If you cannot, find a store that can (and have them teach you, so you can do it on your own in the future).

Invariably, she would rather receive an empty box exquisitely wrapped than whatever you’ve bought for her in a brown paper bag. (This makes no sense to me either; but it is the way of the world.)

Nota Bene. My online friend Nara Vaughan adds:

Dead right on the gift-wrapping, though it is important to wrap it YOURSELF, not just have the girl at the store do it. (Too professional indicates lack of personal effort.) Tip: Plus points for a small flower/flowers tucked into the ribbon on the top of the present.
