
1. The big, big news: Cyan has selected a first feature. Check out the website for the star-studded details (Adam Golberg, Giovanni Ribisi, Joshua Jackson, Christina Ricci, etc.).

2. As the film begins shooting in a scant two months, I can basically kiss my free time goodbye. I’ll once again be giving up sleeping and going to the bathroom. Every minute counts.

3. None the less, I’ll still be doing my damndest to post here at least quasi-regularly, because, frankly, I still have a large backlog of random crap I’ve been meaning to blog about, and not doing so will slowly drive me nuts.

4. That random backlog includes my ongoing dating escapades. Yes, due to heavy goading from friends, family and longstanding readers, I’ve decided to once again make my love life fair game for blogging. I can’t even begin to imagine the mess this is going to make.