to blog or not to blog

Yesterday, as I was laying out a rough version of Cyan’s upcoming weblog, I received an email from my mother suggesting I scrap the whole idea. Films, she pointed out, are likely similar to the proverbial laws and sausages; if you like them, you should never watch them being made. And, reluctant as I am to admit it, she has a point. We’re a young company, likely to make all sorts of embarrassing mistakes in the process of creating our first few films. Hide the interim from the world, only show off the polished end products, and we’re certain to come across looking savvier, more competent than if people had watched us through the whole messy process.

Still, a Cyan blog provides at least one very powerful advantage – it establishes a direct line of communication between us and the people for whom we’re creating films. And by incorporating their suggestions at each step along the way to a final cut, I suspect we’ll end up making substantially better movies than we would going it alone.

So, sorry mom, it looks like we’ll be doing a Cyan blog after all. Feel free to say I never listen to your advice; apparently you’re right.