mail bag

Today, allow me to address those readers who have ‘helpfully’ emailed recently to point out the irregularity (in both timing and quality) of my postings over the past few weeks:

Sod off, you fucking bastards! You can blow it out you ass! I can’t even begin to tell you how much time I’ve been spending on launching my company, I somehow managed to horribly over-commit myself with a slew of upcoming trumpet gigs, there’s a no-holds-barred tournament coming up next month where I’ll be quite publicly getting my ass kicked if I don’t push my training into high gear, and that doesn’t even begin to factor in the time requirements of a nascent relationship and my long-standing raging alcoholism. That’s right. I’m busy. I have a fucking LIFE. I don’t have time to just SIT AROUND, dancing like a MONKEY for your FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT! WHY CAN’T YOU ALL JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL! WHY DON’T YOU ALL JUST WITHER AND DIE!!! AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!

I mean, um… I really appreciate the feedback and will be working hard to live up to prior expectations. Gosh, you guys are swell!