bueller… bueller…

I spent yesterday evening heading from film networking event to film networking event, schmoozing away and building pre-launch buzz for Cyan with the help of my Exec VP, Colin Spoelman. Having Colin there made me conscious of a comment I receive so frequently I mainly tune it out when schmoozing alone:

Them: You know who you look just like?

Me: Ferris Bueller.

Them: Exactly! Has anyone ever told you that before?

Yes, people have told me that before. About half of all the people I’ve ever met have told me that before. Strangely, however, only that half sees it at all; to the other half, I and Matthew Broderick bare absolutely no resemblance. And I’m part of that second half – I mean, Broderick and I both have brown hair, but that’s about as close as I can get.

Still, those non-resemblance-seers, apparently feeling the need to join in the celebrity-look-alike fun, often interject with other actors that they feel I more closely resemble. Last night, for example, I got Warren Beatty, Michael J Fox and Martin Short. While, to me, Bueller’s a bit of a stretch, I have absolutely no idea how people arrive at these other matches.

Still, I have to admit, even if I don’t see the physical resemblance, personality-wise I am more than a bit Bueller-esque. I guess my stars are well aligned, as I live something of a charmed life. And I have a damn good rendition of Danke Schoen ready just in case any parades come through town. There’s just so much to be learned from Ferris Bueller’s approach to life and his sage philosophical musings:

Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.