start your engines

I’m off to a Mets game with Randy Wolfe, a Yale friend who’s up from DC for the weekend to interview for hedge fund jobs. He’s been crashing at my apartment since Thursday, and has therefore unwittingly been dragged along to my first two movie-world networking bashes – one hosted by Stellar Network on Thursday evening, another by GenArt Friday night. We also found time to hit the club scene, as well as the inimitable Jean Georges (Zagat’s highest rated restaurant in New York) for dinner last night. Thanks to another of our Yale friends, Melissa, who hostesses there (and joined us for dinner), we snagged a usually impossible 7:30 window table and a ridiculously reduced meal price. I’m still full.

This coming week, I join the movie business in earnest, with a slew of meetings with lawyers, investors, producers, directors, graphic designers and commercial real estate agents – all the people we need in getting Cyan Pictures off the ground. In fact, I’m booked nearly solid for lunches and dinners through late May, and have just started scheduling business breakfasts as well. Who needs sleep?