you are not alone

Yes, dear reader, looking at my log files, it appears that hundreds of others just like you peruse this site every day. Which, frankly, seems more than a bit inexplicable to me, as I maintain this site mainly as exercise for my writing chops. (With a variety of other pursuits eating through spare time, I need a rather public obligation such as this one to keep me writing regularly.)

Daily, however, I’m reminded at least to some degree of my readership by the ‘fan’ mail I receive, which normally goes along the lines of: “I used to think your site was pretty good, but today’s post sucked. I mean, it really sucked. What are you, retarded?” As you can imagine, immensely gratifying.

Still, the mercurial nature of my readership is in some ways quite helpful. Unlike a ‘real’ publication, this site has no independent editor, meaning that any capricious whim striking my fancy while I’m near a keyboard is likely to be inflicted upon a thousand or so unsuspecting digital passers by. Therefore, such external guidance as “please stop posting long, winding, stupid jokes or I’m deleting the bookmark for your site” can have a valuable impact. And, of course, I always look forward to my mother’s ‘supportive’ invectives; thanks, mom, for pointing out that my photos make you feel like you just stepped onto a too sunny street after having dilating drops put in your eyes.

Yes, opening reader emails is always a veritable cavalcade of ego enhancement. But it’s often the highlight of my day none the less. So keep ’em coming. If not for your own good, then for the hundreds of others just too lazy to hit that send key themselves.