red hots, get your

The secret to enjoying a hot dog is avoiding over-thinking. You don’t actually know exactly what a hot dog is made of, and you’re probably better off that way. A bit of consideration, and your imagination is running wild: Just what sort of meat is ground up, died pink and stuffed into a little tube, anyway? And what exactly is that “skin?”

Yet, fillers and preservatives aside, the hot dog is genuine Americana: inextricably linked to our national pastime, the centerpiece of any backyard barbeque, not quite as American as apple pie, but a whole hell of a lot better with beer. And, here in Gotham City, the raison d’etre of another fine establishment: the hot dog cart.

For years, I’ve been fascinated by hot dog carts, perhaps owing to childhood impressionability. In fact, over the last few weeks, I’ve even been working on a series of hot dog vendor portraits. So I was particularly thrilled to discover All American Hot Dog Carts, the one stop super-shop for all your hot dog cart needs. These guys really are at the top of their game – they’re authorized distributors for both Sabrett and Hebrew National. Sure, I may not need a new cart at the moment. But if the corporate life ever gets old, I know just where to turn.