We’re Number Two!

I follow political news pretty closely these days, and though I primarily stick to US press, I also make an effort to regularly read sources abroad – The Economist, The Guardian, Haaretz, etc. – for the sometimes jarring insights that can only come from an outside perspective.

So, hat-tip to my father (who follows world press closely due to his nonprofit medical work) for pointing me towards this amazing international TV satire meme:

It kicked off when the Dutch equivalent of The Daily Show, Zondag Met Lubach, ran a video pitching a simple idea to President Trump: “America First; the Netherlands Second.”

Shortly thereafter, and not to be outdone, Switzerland’s Deville Late-Night responded with their own similar pitch:

Then Belgium’s De Ideale Wereld got in on the action:

And things just kind of kept rolling from there.

Portugal’s 5 Meia Noite:

Australia’s The Weekly:

Germany’s Neo Magazin Royale:

Denmark’s Natholdet:

And even Lithuania’s Laisvės TV:

All of them are worth watching, and I’m sure we haven’t yet seen the end of this trend. So, for the moment: America first, second TBD?