Breaking the Seal

When it comes to evaluating fitness trends, I tend to value direct experience. So when a hot new diet, boutique gym, supplement or lifestyle tweak comes around, I spend some time reading through the related research, then jump in as a human guinea pig.

Over the past year, I’d been hearing a lot about SEALFIT, a CrossFit variant developed by a retired SEAL commander for “first responders, industrial athletes and military special forces.”

I don’t fall into any of those categories. But I was curious nonetheless. So a few months back, I decided to hop in and give the program a try.

To give you a sense of SEALFIT’s approach, consider this trio, pulled from my workout for tomorrow:

  1. 10 Turkish get-ups on each side;
  2. Five rounds of 10 pull-ups, 15 push-ups and 20 sit-ups, for time;
  3. Two mile run.

Which seems like a reasonable CrossFit workout.

In SEALFIT, however, that’s literally just my warm-up.

After that, I still need to do a heavy weightlifting session, and then a crazy hour-long conditioning workout involving a mile of swimming broken up by climbing out of the pool to do sets of squats, push-ups and burpees.

CrossFitters like to boast that “your workout is our warmup.” Apparently, SEALFIT is the literal next step up that workout=warmup chain.

In the long-haul, I’m unclear how I could keep this up without verging deep into overtraining territory. But, in the short term, I’m getting great results, and enjoying myself in a “it doesn’t have to be fun to be fun” kind of way.

If nothing else, each day I make it through a workout without quitting halfway to curl up in the fetal position seems like a real victory. Hooyah.

Night Shifted

Early this month, I wrote about the beta of iOS 9.3, and its new Night Shift feature. Night Shift reduces iPhones’ blue-spectrum light output in the evening, which in turn helps you preserve your circadian rhythm for a better night’s sleep.

This week, Apple released the final version of iOS 9.3, which you may have already updated on your phone. I had hoped that in the final release, Night Shift would be turned on by default. But though it now appears as a button in Control Center (see below), it doesn’t turn on at sunset automatically as it should.


Because the settings are a bit buried, here’s a quick step-by-step guide to configuring Night Shift so that it runs on its own for maximum health benefits:

1. Open the Settings app, and choose Display & Brightness.


2. Choose Night Shift.


3. Toggle on the Scheduled slider, so that it turns green.


4. Choose the newly-appeared From / To option.


5. Check the Sunset to Sunrise option.


6. Finally, go back to the Night Shift pane, and move the Color Temperature slider all the way to More Warm.


Voila! You’re now all set. Enjoy the sweet dreams.

Vegetable-Friendly Athletics

While I’m a big fan of meat, Composite has increasingly picked up vegetarian and vegan clients, most of whom steer clear of meat (and, in the case of vegans, eggs and dairy) for moral reasons.

I won’t argue the moral grounds here (as others have already done so). But because people evolved to eat meat, it is important crucial for vegetarians and vegans to supplement their diets wisely, as it’s easy to run short on important nutrients and micro-nutrients found primarily or solely in meat and animal products.

Here’s a quick rundown of the most important ones, including why they matter, and how much to take:


What is it?

Creatine is an organic acid that your cells use to make energy. It is perhaps the best-studied and most effective health supplement available. It improves everything from strength and power output, recovery from endurance exercise, muscle growth and bone healing to memory formation, attention span and problem-solving skills. Because we get creatine in our diets from meat, vegetarians and vegans tend to have lower levels than omnivores, and benefit even more from supplementation.

How to Take it

Take 5 grams with a meal, once a day. The best form is micronized creatine monohydrate, which is very safe and gentle on the stomach, and dissolves flavorously in liquid.


What is it?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that’s found only in meat products. Your body needs it for cognition, fat metabolism and sports performance. Supplementing l-carnitine has also been shown to reduce both muscular and mental fatigue in vegetarians and vegans.

How to Take it

Take 500mg with carbohydrates, once a day. Acetyl-L-carnitine is very safe, and can pass through the blood-brain barrier, so it’s the form that provides the greatest cognitive benefits.             

Vitamin B12 

What is it?

Many vegetarians and vegans already supplement B12, and for good reason. B12 is an essential vitamin, and deficiency causes nervous system damage, anemia, heart disease and pregnancy complications. While some vegan foods have been claimed previously as good sources of B12 (spirulina, dried nori, barley grass, other seaweeds, raw foods), research has shown them to be ineffective. All dietary sources of B12 are animal-based, so while vegetarians can sometimes get sufficient B12 from eggs and dairy, it is crucial for vegans to supplement B12.

How to Take it

Take at least 100mcg daily, and as much as 10,000 mcg. (High doses are not toxic, because the body will not absorb more than it needs.) Methylcobalamin is the best absorbed form, though people with kidney problems should speak with their doctor before supplementing B12.


What is it?

Dietary protein is an important macronutrient, a crucial building-block used throughout your body. Eating too little protein leads to muscle wasting, reduced immune function, increased irritability, and eventually shock and death. Most non-animal protein sources have low bioavailability, which means that your body actually absorbs and uses a much lower percentage of the protein that you ingest. Protein supplements can help vegetarians and vegans get sufficient amounts of protein, from the most bioavailable sources.

How to Take it

Aim to eat at least 0.8g of protein per pound of bodyweight, supplementing to cover the gap from what your diet provides. Vegetarians would do best with with whey protein isolate, which is made from milk. Vegans should consider combining pea protein and rice protein instead, which together provides a complete protein. Steer clear of soy proteins, which contain isoflavones, compounds that bind to your steroid receptors and have unwanted hormonal effects on your body.


What is it?

Iodine is an essential mineral, important for a properly functioning thyroid. Additionally, for women who are or who plan on becoming pregnant, iodine is crucial for fetal and early childhood brain development. Most people get sufficient iodine from their diet. However, vegans who don’t regularly eat sea vegetables, and who use natural salts (like sea salt) or salt substitutes like miso, are often deficient.

How to Take it

Taking 325 of kelp is a good insurance policy for vegans who don’t otherwise consume it daily. People on blood pressure medications should consult a doctor before supplementing.


What is it?

Being healthy depends on a balance between two kinds of essential fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6. A 1:1 ratio between them is associated with healthier blood vessels, a lower lipid count, reduced risk for plaque buildup, and decreased risk of diabetes, depression, rheumatoid arthritis and several forms of cancer, including breast cancer. Omega-3 fats are found primarily in fatty fish, and in small amounts in eggs, while Omega-6 fats are found in very high levels in most vegetable cooking oils. As a result, research has shown that most vegans and vegetarians (like much of the omnivore population), have wildly unbalanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios.

How to Take it

Taking 200-300mg of DHA from algae, while favoring oils lower in Omega-6 (like olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil), is usually sufficient to bring the balance of fats back in line.

Feed Your Friends

According to a newly-published study, more than 50% of what Americans eat is ultra-processed.

Which is bad news, for a slew of reasons.

First, as I previously explained, ultra-processed food is missing all kinds of micro-nutrients, leaving you far less healthy than you would be if you ate the same foods in more natural states.

Second, ultra-processed food contains basically zero fiber.

For years, I (like most people) thought the point of fiber was that it makes you poop. Which it does. Indeed, sufficient fiber reduces the odds of constipation, lowers the risk of developing hemorrhoids and possibly (though by the science, somewhat unconvincingly) might help prevent colon cancer.

At the risk of over-sharing, however, I already poop like a pro. So I’d never really taken fiber that seriously.

Over the last few years, it’s become increasingly clear that fiber has another, even more important role.

Allow me to explain:

Your gut is full of bacteria. Lots and lots of bacteria. In fact, you have more bacteria in your gut than you have cells in the rest of your body.

But fret not, because those gut bacteria are working on your behalf. They take undigested fiber and convert it into important short-chain fatty acids like butyrates, propionates and acetates. And they synthesize important vitamins, like vitamin B and vitamin K.

Healthy gut bacteria has been linked to slowing cancer tumor formation, preventing obesity, and preventing Crohns, colitis and IBD. And new research is showing unhealthy gut bacteria is implicated in all kinds of autoimmune diseases, from Rheumatoid Arthritis to Type 1 Diabetes.

So, basically, you want those good gut bacteria going full-bore.

Mostly, they live way down at the bottom of your GI tract, in the colon. And because you’re so efficient at digesting, almost all of the nutrients you eat are absorbed well before they make it that far down the line.

But not dietary fiber. Fiber makes it to the colon. Which is good news, as it’s the preferred food of the intestinal bacteria.

But here’s the converse: if they aren’t getting enough of that fiber to keep them full and happy, the natives not only stop working for you, stop producing all these things you need, they also start getting restless. And they get hungry. And the underfed bacteria literally start to eat you, instead.

They start munching on mucin, the mucous barrier that lines your colon and separates all those bacteria from your immune cells. Most people don’t know it, but the gut also houses the largest collection of immune cells in your body. All of which are hanging out right by that giant collection of bacteria that they’re primed to kill, just safely separated by the mucin layer.

But when you don’t eat fiber, and your bacteria start eating the mucin, the immune cells are suddenly exposed to their nearby enemies for the first time. And, basically, they go nuts.

Immune cells are hugely effective – they kill bacterium, viruses and cancerous cells unbelievably effectively. But they also use some pretty heavy weaponry to do it. They generate hypochlorite (bleach) and hydrogen peroxide to use on the offense, much as you might use the same stuff to sterilize a toilet, kitchen counter or floor.

As you probably know from household use, those are pretty nasty chemicals. So their release not only kills the invading bacteria translocating from your gut, they also start causing all kinds of collateral damage.

Suddenly, you end up with serious systemic inflammation. Your body is getting hit with friendly fire, and hit hard.

Systemic inflammation is about the worst thing you can have going on in internally. It’s linked to cancer, heart disease, infections, Alzheimer’s, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis and more.

In other words, it sucks.

And you can bring it on yourself, by letting your gut bacteria go hungry. Conversely, you can get those bacteria working even harder on your behalf, by feeding them the fiber they need.

So eat unprocessed foods. Foods with fiber. Eat all kinds, because research is showing that different bacteria prefer fiber from different kinds of foods. In other words, you can’t just down some Metamucil and call it a day. Instead, you mostly need vegetables and fruits, a wide variety of them, at every meal.

Real food: it feeds you. And it feeds your intestinal friends. And when they’re happy, everybody’s happy.

100 Up

This year, I’ve been working on running more, mostly because I hate it, in turn because I suck at it.  A few months in, I’ve already racked up more mileage than I managed in the past two full years combined.

I still suck at running, but I definitely suck less.  And though I wouldn’t say I yet love doing it, I now have confidence in my ability to head out the door, start running, and keep running for miles, something I couldn’t have said before.

So I was intrigued recently to find this video, from the NY Times, on W. S. George’s “100 Up” exercise:

George was a chemist’s apprentice in England in the 1870’s, with little time for training.  He developed the exercise so he could train during his lunch break.  In two years, he went from a novice to one of the fastest milers of his time.

I’m only a few days into doing the exercise daily, though I suspect after even two years I’ll be well short of a competitive mile pace.  Still, I can feel the exercise working, and am planning to stick with it.  For other duffer runners, perhaps worth similarly giving it a shot.


Here’s something I’ve been playing with lately: blocking my days into three big chunks. I have a Focus chunk from 6am to 12pm, a Buffer chunk from 12pm to 6pm, and then a Free chunk from 6pm to 11pm.

When I wake up, often while I’m still in bed, I immediately start working on my most important project. Literally, immediately. Somewhere in that chunk, I go to the bathroom, drink some coffee, and walk the dogs. But, otherwise, working on that project is the only thing I’m allowed to do.

At 12pm, unshowered and with glazed-over eyes, I usually walk the dogs again, head to the gym, shower, eat lunch, and then spend the balance of my Buffer block on all the other tasks I’d like to accomplish. Getting to inbox zero (in email, on my phone, with my paper in-basket), blogging, and banging out all the other work and personal tasks that aren’t part of my One Big Focus Project.

And then, at 6pm, I close my laptop, and try to spend the evening enjoying Jessie, friends, family and NYC.

Obviously, this only works because I have the luxury of working from home. But I’ve found that, at 6am, I’m basically still too asleep to creatively procrastinate; by the time my brain gears up all the way, I’m neck-deep in my most important stuff, and carried forward by the momentum. Whereas, before, when I’d try to work out and shower and walk the dogs and prepare for the day a bit before opening my laptop, I’d be in prime procrastinatory mode by 8:30 or 9:00am and manage to instead just tackle small unimportant tasks, telling myself I was clearing the deck for a deeper focus session later on that, on too many days, never seemed to actually arrive.

I’m not sure this would work for anyone else, but it sure as hell is working for me.


E-card I actually received from a friend on St. Patrick’s Day several years back:


As the Irish say:

May your home always be too small to hold your friends.

May the winds of fortune sail you,
May you sail a gentle sea.
May it always be the other guy
who says, “this drink’s on me.”

Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!

Real Food

I got a few emails in the wake of Monday’s blog post on farmers’ market shopping saying, ‘but I take lots of vitamins! Shouldn’t that make up for the reduced vitamin-load in the foods I buy at the grocery store?’

Short answer: no.

Allow me to take you a further step down the food industry / nutrition rabbit hole.

First, to kick things off, you need to know a little about micro-nutrients, or essential vitamins and minerals. There’s scientific consensus on this full official list:

First, there are water-soluble vitamins:
– Biotin (vitamin B7)
– Folic acid (folate, vitamin B9)
– Niacin (vitamin B3)
– Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
– Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
– Thiamin (vitamin B1)
– Vitamin B6
– Vitamin B12
– Vitamin C

Then you have the fat-soluble vitamins:
– Vitamin A
– Vitamin D
– Vitamin E
– Vitamin K

You have the major minerals:
– Calcium
– Chloride
– Magnesium
– Phosphorus
– Potassium
– Sodium
– Sulfur

And you have the trace minerals:
– Chromium
– Copper
– Fluoride
– Iodine
– Iron
– Manganese
– Molybdenum
– Selenium
– Zinc

So how did the scientific establishment come up with this list?

Basically, these are things that, if you leave them out of a rat’s diet, the rat dies. That’s how we deemed them essential.

But wait, you might be saying. Couldn’t there be other vitamins that are important, that lead to serious problems if we omit them, but don’t actually lead to death? I mean, there a lots of terrible things that can happen to you short of actually dying.

And, in fact, you’d be totally right.

For example, we know that if you don’t eat enough Lutein and Zeaxanthin, you’ll get macular degeneration and go blind. But, hey! At least you’re still alive!

As a result of their absence not killing you, even though most of us prefer to be able to see things, Lutein and Zeaxanthin aren’t officially vitamins, and don’t appear on any RDA list.

And those are just two of more than 600 carotenoids, all of which are just as likely to be biologically important, as are any number of other types of compounds found in foods. Micronutrient triage theory still a fairly new field of research, and there’s lots we don’t know.

Which is, in short, the problem with just taking vitamins instead of eating fresh foods, as well as the problem with making fake, industrial foods.

Michael Pollan has written about the idea of ‘nutritionism,’ the dominant paradigm in the food industry that sees foods as essentially reducible to the sum of their nutrient parts. By that approach, you can break foods down into their constituent nutrients, and then package them back together into something new, with no ill effects. In fact, sometimes the ‘new food’ is even better than what you started with. A protein bar is super healthy, right?

Unfortunately, it turns out we actually suck at that kind of disassembling and re-assembling, most likely because we wildly underestimate the number of things (like the aforementioned Lutein and Zeaxanthin) we lose in the process, things that are hugely important but we just don’t know about yet.

Consider a version of this problem that you probably already know about: baby formula. Breast-feeding (or pumping) is difficult and time-consuming. So, since 1867 (and “Liebig’s Soluble Food for Babies”), we’ve been trying to make a commercially-available replacement. By now, formula is an $8 billion global market. Each year, companies spend unfathomable amounts of money on R&D, trying to improve just that one single food. And, even so, it still sucks. Kids raised on the most cutting-edge formula still fare less well than those breast-fed real milk.

In other words, even after we’ve focused literally a century and a half of heavily funded nutritionism efforts on a single food, we still can’t make that food as good as the original.

In which case, what are the odds that your Egg Beaters are actually healthier than a couple of fresh eggs?

That one’s not rhetorical, because we actually know the odds are zero. It turns out, if you feed rats a diet of just eggs, they live long and healthy lives. Whereas rats in the same study who were fed just Egg Beaters died after three or four weeks.

To recap: we clearly have no idea about all the important stuff food contains. So eating ‘designed’ foods is clearly a terrible idea. Instead, eat real foods. Eat a variety of them. Eat foods that can go bad, and eat them before they do. Try and get them as fresh as you can, because that’s when they have more of the stuff that we still don’t really know about but you clearly need to have a long and happy and healthy life.

Bon appetite.


There may be nothing new under the sun (which is, itself, an observation from Ecclesiastes 1:9), but I’m still sometimes surprised by how modern a lot of ancient wisdom reads.

Consider this bit, from Epectitus’ The Art of Living, which could have been pulled from any of today’s bestselling self-help tomes:

“It’s time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become. If you have a daybook, write down who you’re trying to be, so that you can refer to this self-definition. Precisely describe the demeanor you want to adopt so that you may preserve it when you are by yourself or with other people.”