Hearing Voices

A few nights ago, as I was taking Gemelli for a late walk, he stopped to say hello to a small black-and-white cockapoo.

“She’s very cute,” I said. “What’s her name?”

“Josie,” said her owner.

And I thought, oh, you’re [Jon Ronson](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Ronson).

Later, [Google backed me up](http://www.babusinesslife.com/People/Pets/Pet-theories-Jon-Ronson.html). But I was sure from that first word. I don’t know why, but I’m exceedingly good at recognizing people by voice.

I drive Jess nuts with this when we watch television, as I can’t help but reflexively call out the name of the person doing the voice over for each commercial.

You can’t pick your talents.