Congrats Mallory!

Even if you don’t have to wear a swimsuit on national television, you can still get in shape like CrossFit NYC member and newly crowned Miss America, Mallory Hagan.

For anyone dismissing her win strictly to genetics, here’s Mallory two years apart, winning Miss Brooklyn in 2010 and winning Miss New York in 2012:

Turns out, working out works.


[Relatedly, as per the NY Post:

“Mallory was really dedicated. She just decided to get healthier,” her boyfriend, Charmel Maynard, 28, told The Post yesterday. “She did it the right way.”

While she dedicated herself to becoming thinner, she made sure to not set a bad example by getting the waif look through starvation diets, her boyfriend said.

“She did not want to be rail-thin,” Maynard said. “She did it the right way: She did a lot of CrossFit, and she just ate a lot better.”]