
With Kentuckians and Missourians and god knows who else crowding my Times Square-adjacent block in anticipation of tomorrow’s ball drop, my brother and I will instead be escaping down to the East Village to celebrate New Year’s Eve at FEVA‘s Bedazzle Ball.

The problem: a costume’s required. So, in a burst of do-it-yourself ingenuity, we headed down to Home Depot to purchase Tyvek Hooded Coveralls, 3M Woodworking Respirators, green latex gloves and a Sharpie marker.

Back at my apartment, we emblazoned the back of the coveralls, “Times Square Dirty Bomb First Response Unit,” then drew nuclear warning symbols and a slew of official sounding nonsense (“Alpha Squad 4HQ3”) on the front and arms. I wrapped an old handheld digital metronome in white paper, scrawled “Dirty Bomb Geiger Counter” across the top, and cut a hole in the paper to allow us to turn on menacing beeping at the touch of a button.

Let the 2005 hilarity begin.


The thing with blogging is, it’s a habit. And, like any habit, once you get out, it’s hard to get back in.

I say that in light of my light posting this month – four entries in twenty-three days being more than a bit off the daily schedule towards which I shoot. Sure, I could make excuses, blaming moving, furnishing, hosting my visiting brother, starting Long Tail, or any number of other time sinks. But, in truth, the ever-increasing span of non-blogging is simply the effects of return-post dread: with each passing day, I’m increasingly convinced that, whatever I write as my first entry after the long stretch of nothing had better be damn good, had better somehow make up for all the slacking off.

Hence this post, which, obviously, isn’t a damn good one, but rather an attempt to wipe the fear-of-return-post-quality slate clean. After all, whatever I write next, it pretty much has to be an improvement.

on the move

I’m in. And despite having, after two weeks of vagrancy, returned to a spot less than two blocks from where I lived before, it still feels like a different world. I’m reminded of E. B. White’s This is New York, in which he tells the story of a woman who moves five blocks uptown, heads to the butcher shop she’s been frequenting for years, and finds the butcher crying tears of grateful joy: “You’ve come back!” he exclaims.

New York is an odd city like that, a place where, in any given few square blocks, you can find everything you need. Several hundred yards from my old apartment, and I’ve already shopped at a hardware store, a dry cleaners, a drug store and a supermarket other than the ones I primarily used over the last two years.

Another thing about the new apartment: it has doormen. Which, in the minds of most New Yorkers, is a big plus. I can have packages delivered, screen visitors with a live person rather than an intercom, and generally look swank. But, at some level, contrary to the apparent nature of this site, I’m an intensely private person. Which makes me vaguely distrust the whole idea of doormen; I don’t like someone knowing when I come and go, and with whom.

Deja vu: Although the bedroom is a different shape, and the closets are slightly repositioned, the apartment is otherwise nearly identical to the first I lived in when I came to New York.

With the same layout, my old furniture, bought for that first apartment, would have been a perfect fit. Sadly, over two years of intensive roommate use, little of it was in good enough condition to justify carting in. So, once again, it’s back to furniture shopping. And to frequent Bed, Bath & Beyond trips, where they still don’t like people riding in carts on the shopping cart escalator. Apparently, the apartment has come full circle, and so have I.

chanukah rerun

As a few readers have emailed to point out, posting has been a bit light of late. In large part that’s due to my currently homeless lifestyle, and my consequent lack of reliable ‘net access. It’s also due to the ramping up of Long Tail, which this week has centered on our first film acquisition, and on completing our business plan – a struggle as, after years of reading crap business plans in my VC days, I’m really, exceedingly finicky about getting ours right.

My new apartment move-in has been bumped forward to next Monday, by which point things will settle down enough that I can start writing again regularly, as well as revise the Cyan site to reflect the inclusion of Long Tail. Until then, however, I’m simply wishing all the Yids and Goyim alike a very happy Chanukah. Rather than trying to say something eloquent to that end, I’ve exhumed this post from almost precisely a year back. Dreidel on!

On Making Potato Latkes

It is the fourth night of Chanukah and my apartment is empty, my roommates having gone off to their respective families for Christmas. The block of 51st Street outside my front window is oddly quiet as well, as if my neighbors have left to make room for the holiday inflow of tourists that swarms our little island, packs Times Square and Rockefeller Plaza, both a few blocks away.

It is nearly 7:00, and though the sun has set two and a half hours ago, I am only now getting ready to light the menorah. It is a traditional one – wrought brass, burning oil rather than candles. I fill the four rightmost cups, then the shamash, the taller ‘helper’ flame, placing a floating wick in each. I recite the prayers, rote, in Hebrew: Blessed are you, Hashem our God, king of the universe, who has sanctified us with his commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the light of Chanukah. Blessed are You, Hashem our God, king of the universe, who wrought miracles for our forefathers in those days at this season.

Carefully, I lift the menorah from the stovetop and carry it over to the kitchen window, placing it facing outward, so that passersby on the street below can see it. I turn off the overhead lights, and stand for several minutes in the dark, watching the five smalls flames flicker, leap, and dance for their reflections in the pane of window glass.


I sit down at my desk, intending to slog away at a pile of work, but instead drift into thought about Chanukah – or, more accurately, about Chanukahs past. About, as a child, standing in the kitchen with my family, crowded around several lit menorot, singing. About laughing and clowning in the living room as we exchange gifts – my mother, every year without fail, affixing all the bows pulled from any of our gifts to her hair. About sitting around the table, eating the traditional Chanukah latkes – potato pancakes cooked in oil.

And, unexpectedly, I’m swept by a wave of homesickness, a sudden welling burst of holiday loneliness. I decide the only thing I can do is to create some Chanukah joy in my own home. I decide, in fact, that I’ll make a batch of latkes myself.


It occurs to me, however, that I’ve never actually made latkes. Certainly, in years past, I’d always helped my mother prepare them, but my assistance was solely limited to peeling potatoes. Still, I reason, latkes certainly aren’t a complicated dish: coarsely grated potato, onion and egg, pan-fried in lots of oil. I should be able to handle it. I call my parents’ home to inquire about the proportions – how many eggs exactly? – but as they’re out, I decide to simply fake it.


Walking to the Food Emporium, I realize the unfolding latke misadventure might make for good reading. And, at first, the idea gives me pause. I wrote online for years before even obliquely referring to Judaism. Posting about the topic still makes me vaguely uncomfortable, as if it’s something I shouldn’t share, or at least shouldn’t advertise, about myself. We Jews are a culturally paranoid people – it’s easy to think everyone’s out to get you when, for centuries, they were. These days, bludgeoned as children by hundreds of Holocaust documentaries, we grow up with the message that, sometimes, being publicly Jewish can be rather bad for your health.

With a bit of thought, however, I conclude my tacit ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy simply supports anti-semitism. Instead, I decide to push for understanding through openness; if Chanukah is something I’m thinking about, a part of who I am, certainly, I should be willing to share that.


I return from Food Emporium with five exceedingly large potatoes, one large onion and a dozen eggs. Setting them out on the counter, I wash my hands, then scrub down each potato thoroughly. The peeler isn’t in the drawer where it should be, and I spend several minutes searching for where my roommates might have placed it. Eventually, I find it – an OXO Good Grip, courtesy of my father, who is obsessed with kitchen gadgetry.

I peel the potatoes over the sink, thinking about the years of potatoes peeled in my parents house. Perversely, I miss the old, less-effective peelers we owned when I was still very young – sparely built metal ones, with orange plastic handles. I have a sudden flashbulb memory of rummaging through the drawer to find them, looking for one of the two right-handed peelers rather than the left-handed one. Which, it occurs to me, was a rather odd possession, considering that my entire family is right handed.


Quartering the peeled potatoes, I place them into a bowl of water to keep the air from turning them brown. Then, without the Cuisinart we always used in my parents’ house, I pull out a metal hand-grater, and begin coarsely grating the first potato quarter. I’m careful with my strokes, watching out to keep my knuckles from dragging across the sharp edges, but it is still repetitive, vaguely meditative work.

In the quiet, I begin to think about the story of Chanukah. Or, rather, about the stark difference between the version we Jews learn as children, and the full, historically accurate one that some of us discover as adults. Observe:

The kid version: An evil Greek ruler, Antiochus, tries to destroy the Jewish people. He takes over the Jew’s holy temple and turns it into a shrine to himself. The brave Maccabees, led by Judah "The Hammer", revolt, fight back, and eventually win, reclaiming the temple. The ner tamid – the temple’s eternal, holy light – has been extinguished, and all the vessels of oil (used to fuel the light) have been shattered. After much search, a single intact vessel is found; though it should last only one night, it miraculously burns for eight, long enough to harvest and press enough olive oil to keep the light burning.

The adult version: The majority of Jews are – much like today – highly integrated into Hellenic Greek culture. They make major contributions to the arts, science and philosophy, and are increasingly involved in sports and popular culture. The Maccabees belong to a violent fundamentalist minority group, the Hasmoneans; they travel around, using violence and murder to coerce integrated Hellenistic Jews back to a segregated, traditionalist lifestyle. Antiochus comes to power, and people recognize him as basically a nut-job – I mean, the guy renames himself Epiphanes (meaning, literally, ”god made manifest’), believing he is a human incarnation of the god Zeus. As a result, he takes stupid military risks, which, combined with the fact that everybody is out to kill him, leads the Hellenistic Jews to figure he won’t last long. Further, while he does ask the Jews to bring him offerings recognizing his divinity and put his picture up in their temple, he’s otherwise fairly tolerant, and certainly never violent towards the Jewish people. They therefore decide to simply ignore Antiochus for a couple of years and wait for him to get himself killed, letting things return to their previous, unharried state. The Hasmoneans, however, have other ideas. They organize a military revolt and take Jerusalem by military force (causing Antiochus’ troops to defile the temple in retreat). The victorious Hasmoneans then secede from Greece and revert the country into a fundamentalist state, cutting off outside communication, outlawing much of the intellectual progress made by Greek Jews, and more or less setting the Jewish people back a couple hundred years.

In other words, if the Chanukah story played itself out again today, I doubt I’d be rooting for the Maccabees. And I certainly wouldn’t be frying up potato pancakes in their honor.


I grate as I think, and after several minutes I’ve made it through the first two potato quarters, knuckles unscathed. Still, I regard the bowl of potato quarters skeptically, trying to avoid estimating how long all that grating is likely to take. Suddenly, it occurs to me that perhaps I do own a Cuisinart. I seem to vaguely recall my parents shipping me their old one a few years back when they replaced it with a newer model. While I’ve never before used it, I can sort of picture unpacking it from a box full of styrofoam peanuts, and so begin diving through the back of less used cabinets.

To my delight, I find the Cuisinart wedged between an unused toaster and a coffee maker (the result of three roommates worth of appliances moving into one kitchen). I dust off the body, wash out the top, then plug it in. Gaining a whole new appreciation for the miracles of technology, I polish off grating the remaining eighteen potato quarters in less time than it took me to hand-grate the first two.

Pouring the grated potatoes into a strainer, I wash off the starch, then dump them into a large bowl. I’m amazed by the amount of grated potato generated from the five potatoes I started with – the bowl is nearly overflowing. I can’t help but laugh, thinking my mother would be thrilled, serving waaaay too much food being the hallmark of Jewish-motherhood.

Once I’ve peeled and Cuisinart-ed the onion, I decide to dump everything across to a soup pot – the largest container I own – lest I spill over the edge while mixing. I crack in one egg, then another, stirring them through with my bare hands. The mix looks about right, so I pull out a pan, fill it with olive oil, and put it over a burner at high heat.


As the oil begins to sputter and sizzle, I start to reconsider my Chanukah objections. Certainly, I appreciate any number of other Jewish holidays whose origins seem a bit dodgy to me. Consider the holiday of Yom Kippur, the ‘day of atonement’: while I do believe in some sort of underlying ‘force’ in the universe, I certainly don’t believe some old guy with a long beard is sitting up there in a chair, judging on that holiday whether I’ll be smote in the coming year because I’ve eaten too much shrimp. Still, come Yom Kippur, I pray and I mean it. I’m pleading for forgiveness – perhaps not from ‘God’, but certainly from the best, most Godly part of myself. Which is to say that, though I don’t take the Torah literally, I do take it seriously. I never cease to find value in Jewish tradition, in Jewish practice, no matter the underlying motivation that brings me to it.

Which, frankly, isn’t too unusual. After all, Judaism is a religion that values action over faith, sort of a "feel the doubt and do it anyway" kind of deal. Even the word ‘Israel’ itself means ”he who wrestles with God’. In other words, questioning, considering, doubting – they’re all at the heart of what it means to celebrate a holiday as a Jew.


With the oil bubbling, I pack the first latke – balling a small handful of the potato mix, flattening it out, then tossing it into the pan. Though it sizzles and browns nicely, when I try to flip it, it disintegrates, turning from latke to hash brown. I figure the mixture needs a few more eggs, and crack in another two.

The next pass works a bit better – the latke stays together through flipping – though I seem to have packed it a bit too thick, as the outside singes before the center is cooked through. I toss three thinner latkes in, pour in a bit more oil and let them cook. They come out golden brown, not quite crisp. I lay them on a paper-towel-covered plate to soak up excess oil, then break off a piece of one. It’s still hot from the pan, and I burn my mouth slightly on the first bite, but don’t mind at all. It’s absolutely delicious.


Once I get the hang of it, I fall into latke autopilot, quickly browning up the rest of the batch. I realize I’ve neglected to buy sour cream or applesauce, and so am left to down a plateful straight, no chaser.

Still, I enjoy them, in part because they’ve come out much better than I’d have expected, in part because they taste like Chanukah to me, because they taste like home.

like zz top

After shaving off my beard for the Homecoming ’96 photos, I went for about a week clean-shaven. During that week, I was carded more than I had been over the rest of the last two years. Which, together with interested looks from middle school girls, convinced me that, in an effort to look old and wise and vaguely capable of running a company, perhaps it was time to regrow.

So, last Sunday, I put away the razor and let my facial follicles follow their course. As I hadn’t grown a beard in from scratch for quite some time, I was surprised to rediscover that – likely due to my fast metabolism – I can go from zero to past seriously scruffy in well under a week. Normally, at the one week point, I’ll then start whipping out the beard trimmer every few days, evening things out and keeping purposefully at the at-least-sort-of-indie-hip short length. This time through, however, my beard trimmer is boxed away amidst plates and CDs and spring sweaters, stored somewhere out in the far reaches of Brooklyn by the crazy Israeli moving company that won’t be delivering my things back to me until I move into the new apartment on the fifteenth.

Which, basically, leaves me with two solid weeks of unchecked growing ahead. By which point, I’m fairly certain, I’ll have passed well past ‘scruffy’, through ‘full’, and into the early reaches of ‘polar expedition’. Santa Claus, look out.


empty nest

After several days of packing everything I own into a vast array of small boxes, I’m out of the old apartment (the so-called ‘Gotham Sugar Shack’), and awaiting the lease start of the as-yet-unnamed new. Depending, as ever, upon the kindness of strangers, for the next week I’ll be holed up at 85th and 2nd, in the currently unused NYC pied-‡-terre of my parents’ Palo Alto next-door neighbor.

And while the Upper East Side feels foreign, the apartment itself is a strange bit of deja vu, laid out almost exactly like the one into which I’ll be moving two weeks hence. The main difference is in furnishing: my current collection, having slowly decayed over two rough years of roommate use, largely stayed behind in the move, leaving me nearly furnitureless. The borrowed apartment, on the contrary, is fully decked, with exactly the sort of things I’d buy given more money and better taste – minimalist without being cold, designer without being pretentious.

Still, sitting alone in the apartment does allow me to imagine at least a bit of what my life should likely be once I move in to the new place. And, mainly, I feel oppressed by the quiet. It reminds of returning from sleep-away summer camp, as I did each August; after spending my nights in a bunk-filled cabin, packed like sardines with seven or eight other campers, the solitude seemed unnaturally quiet. The sounds of snoring, of tossing and turning, of the fat kid’s barely audible asthmatic wheeze – all the things that irked me while at camp, that kept me up through nights – now seemed to leave behind gaps once gone. Each year, it would take me a week or two to readjust, to once again come to love the soundless nights achieved by simply closing my door.

But, for those first few nights, the change was jarring – perversely missing the boisterous crowd, I’d wish that, at least for a bit of the evening, I could once again be overwhelmed by the obnoxious sounds of it all.

This time through, though, as strange as the blissful quiet seems, I’m not too concerned about painful withdrawal. If I need a quick dose of loud and obnoxious, there are bars at every New York corner, filled with rowdy drunks all through the night.